- 2017 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Editor's Award
- 2015年度日本海洋学会岡田賞 [記念論文]
- POC Committee Best Oral Presentation Awards, PICES-2012
- Outstanding Student Poster Awards, Ocean Sciences Meeting in 2008
- 財団法人北海道大学クラーク記念財団・クラーク賞(2003年)
- 「頻発する大気・海洋の熱波となくならない寒波」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(学術変革領域研究(A)),
2024 - 2028年度,(分担者)
- 「北太平洋西部の海洋循環の変化が沿岸水位上昇に与える影響の解明」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C),
2022 - 2025年度,(研究代表者)
- 「中緯度域の気候変動と将来予測の不確実性」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(新学術領域),
2019 - 2024年度,(分担者)
- 「東シナ海の海面水温前線の長期変動とその大気への影響の解明」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C),
2019 - 2022年度,(研究代表者)
- 「気候変動が引き起こす海洋溶存酸素変化:データ解析と数値計算による総合研究」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究A),
2018 - 2022年度,(分担者)
- 「中緯度太平洋における水温・塩分変動の伝播:形成過程と熱帯域への影響」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(若手研究B),
2016 - 2019年度,(研究代表者)
- 「地球温暖化による海洋変化が日本・東アジアにもたらす海面上昇:メカニズムと将来予測」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B),
2014 - 2017年度,(分担者)
- 「黒潮続流・メキシコ湾流ジェットの蛇行の実態とそのスケール間相互作用の研究」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(若手研究B),
2013 - 2015年度,(研究代表者)
- 「大洋スケール大気海洋相互作用」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(新学術領域),
2013 - 2014年度,(分担者)
- 「北太平洋・北大西洋におけるジェットの十年スケール変動メカニズムの解明」
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(研究活動スタート支援),
2011 - 2012年度,(研究代表者)
- 「北太平洋の経年〜数十年変動メカニズム:0.1°数値計算結果と観測データー解析」
独立行政法人日本学術振興会: 科学研究費補助金(特別研究員奨励金),
2006 - 2007年度,(研究代表者)
- Sasaki, Y. N., R. Parfitt, A. Hu, and N. Keenlyside:
"Extratropical climate variability and change associated with air-sea interactions",
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, USA, March 3-4, 2022.
- Kamae, Y., K. Toyama, H. Seo, and Y. N. Sasaki:
"Extratropical oceans and atmosphere",
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Japan, July 12, 2020.
- 佐々木 克徳,東塚 知己,杉本 周作,大石 俊:
- Nishii, K., Y. N. Sasaki, H. Nishikawa, and S. Ohishi:
"Extratropical oceans and atmosphere",
JpGU-Meeting 2019, Chiba (Japan), May 27, 2019.
- Nishikawa, H., Y. N. Sasaki, S. Okajima, and T. Spengler:
"Extratropical oceans and atmosphere",
JpGU-Meeting 2018, Chiba (Japan), May 21, 2018.
- 大石 俊,西川 はつみ,佐々木 克徳,杉本 周作,東塚 知己:
- Nishii, K., Y. N. Sasaki, S. Sugimoto, and S. Ohishi:
"Air-sea interaction in the extratropics",
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba (Japan), May 20, 2017.
- 佐々木 克徳,杉本 周作,西井 和晃,東塚 知己,大石 俊:
- 杉本 周作,佐々木 克徳,西井 和晃,東塚 知己,大石 俊:
- Sasaki, Y. N., and N. Schneider:
"Ocean Circulation Variability and Associated Sea Level Changes in the Mid-latitude Pacific Ocean",
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 11th Annual Meeting, Sapporo (Japan), July 31, 2014.
- Sasaki, Y. N., R. Washizu, S. Minobe, Z.-L Liu, M. Terada, S. Tamura, T. Yasuda, and Y. Miura, 2019:
Sea level variability around Japan in the past and future.
“Sea Level Change in AISA” Workshop, Seoul (Korea), July 25.
- Sasaki, Y. N., R. Washizu, S. Minobe, Z.-L. Liu, T. Yasuda, Y. Miura, and N. Schneider, 2017:
Sea level variability around Japan during the 20th century simulated by a regional ocean model.
International Workshop on "Sea Level Changes: Past and Future", Seoul (Korea), July 6.
- Sasaki, Y. N., 2015:
Observations of spiciness anomaly propagation in the North and South Pacific. JpGU Meeting 2015, Chiba (Japan), 25 May.
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, and N. Schneider, 2012:
Interannual to decadal variability of the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Extension jets.
PICES-2012 Annual Meeting, Hiroshima (Japan), 18 October.
- 尾形 太一,佐々木 克徳:
- 佐々木 克徳:
- 小木 夏海,佐々木 克徳:HighResMIPで得られた梅雨降水帯の将来変化.
気象学会2023年度秋季大会, 仙台, 2023年10月26日. (口頭)
- Kogi, N., and Y. N. Sasaki:
Future changes in the baiu precipitation region obtained by HighResMIP.
JpGU 2023, Japan, May 21, 2023. (Oral)
- 佐々木 克徳,伊藤 竜之助:
黒潮大蛇行に対する冬季の大気応答についての数値実験. JpGU 2023, 千葉,2023年5月21日.(口頭)
- 佐々木 克徳,岩井 悠馬:
- Sasaki, Y. N., and C. Umeda:
Rapid warming of sea surface temperature along the Kuroshio and the China coast
in the East China Sea during the 20th century.
AOGS 18th Annual Meeting, Singapore (online), August 4, 2021. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N.: Sea level change around Japan in the past and future.
2021 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Japan, June 24, 2021. (Poster)
- Kida, S., K. Takayama, Y. N. Sasaki, H. Matsuura, and N. Hirose:
Increasing trend in the Japan Sea Throughflow transport.
International workshop for mid-latitude air-sea interaction,
Japan, June 13, 2021. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and C. Umeda:
Rapid warming of sea surface temperature along the Kuroshio and the China coast
in the East China Sea during the 20th century.
International workshop for mid-latitude air-sea interaction,
Japan, June 12, 2021. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and T. Nakamura:
Mechanism of the warming of the North Pacific subtropical mode water from 1901 to 2010 in a regional ocean model.
JpGU 2021, Japan, June 4, 2021. (Poster)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and C. Umeda:
Rapid warming of sea surface temperature along the Kuroshio and the China coast in the East China Sea during the 20th century.
AGU Fall Meeting, USA, December 8, 2020. (Oral)
- 中村 智哉,佐々木 克徳:
- 木田 新一郎,高山 勝巳,佐々木 克徳,松浦 博巳,広瀬 直毅:
- 三品 海斗,佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:
- Sasaki, Y. N., and Y. Iwai:
Two pathways of subsurface spiciness anomalies in the subtropical South Pacific.
2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego (USA), Feb 17, 2020. (Poster)
- 佐々木 克徳,梅田 千智:
- 中谷内 太一,佐々木 克徳,野中 正見,佐々木 英治:
- Sasaki, Y. N., and C. Umeda:
Sea surface temperature trend in the East China Sea during the 20th century simulated by a regional ocean model.
JpGU 2019, Chiba (Japan), May 27, 2019. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and C. Umeda:
Sea surface temperature trend in the East China Sea during the 20th century simulated by a regional ocean model.
4th Internatinal joint workshop on computationally-intensive modelling of the climate system
and 9th OFES International Workshop, Fukuoka (Japan), March 1, 2019. (Oral)
- 坂本 圭太,佐々木 克徳:
- Sasaki, Y. N., and Y. Iwai:
Observations of spiciness anomaly propagation in the South Pacific.
ISEE Workshop "Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania",
Nagoya (Japan), Sep 13, 2018. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., R. Kimura and S. P. Bishop:
Decadal variability of the Kuroshio extension
in a high-resolution ocean-atmosphere coupled model.
JpGU Meeting 2018, Chiba (Japan), May 21, 2018. (Poster)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and Y. Yamada:
Atmospheric Response to Interannual Variability of Sea Surface Temperature Front
in the East China Sea in Early Summer.
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland (USA),
February 14, 2018. (Oral)
- 佐々木 克徳,山田 裕子,梅田 千智:
- 佐々木 克徳,岩井 悠馬:
- 梅田 千智,佐々木 克徳:
- 木村 亮介,佐々木 克徳,S. P. Bishop:
- Sasaki, Y. N., R. Washizu, S. Minobe, T. Yasuda,
Y. Miura, and N. Schneider:
Sea Level Variability in the Western North Pacific during the 20th Century.
International WCRP/IOC conference 2017 "Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts",
New York (USA), July 11, 2017. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and Y. Yamada:
Response of the early summer (baiu) rain to interannual sea surface
temperature variability in the East China Sea.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba (Japan),
May 20, 2017. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and Y. Yamada:
Response of the early summer (baiu) rain to interannual sea surface
temperature variability in the East China Sea.
Meeting on Perspectives in Computational Atmosphere and Ocean Science
and 8th OFES International Workshop, Nagoya (Japan),
March 14, 2017. (Oral)
- Nagao, S., Y. N. Sasaki, and Y. Sasai:
Across-jet nutrient flux in the south of the Kuroshio Extension region in an eddy-resolving ocean model.
Meeting on Perspectives in Computational Atmosphere and Ocean Science
and 8th OFES International Workshop, Nagoya (Japan),
March 13, 2017. (Poster)
- Lee, C, S. Minobe, and Y. N. Sasaki:
Intraseasonal variability of upwelling in the equatorial Indian Ocean.
Meeting on Perspectives in Computational Atmosphere and Ocean Science
and 8th OFES International Workshop, Nagoya (Japan),
March 13, 2017. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., R. Washizu, S. Minobe,
and T. Yasuda: Sea level variability around Japan during the 20th century simulated by a regional ocean model.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA),
December 13, 2016. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., R. Washizu, S. Minobe,
and T. Yasuda: Sea level variability around Japan during the 20th century simulated by a regional ocean model.
CLIVAR Open Science Conference, Qingdao (China), September 22, 2016. (Oral)
- Liu, Z., S. Minobe, Y. N. Sasaki, and M. Terada:
Dynamical downscaling of future sea-level change in the western
North Pacific using ROMS. CLIVAR Open Science Conference,
Qingdao (China), September 22, 2016 (Poster)
- 佐々木 克徳,
森 信行, 見延 庄士郎, 中村 啓彦, 仁科 文子, 岩ア 慎介, 磯辺 篤彦:
- 山田 裕子,佐々木 克徳:
- 見延 庄士郎,寺田 美緒,劉 昭君,佐々木 克徳:
- 佐々木 克徳,鷲頭 遼亮:
- 李 チョロン,見延 庄士郎,佐々木 克徳:
A preliminary results of regional model study for the Bay of Bengal.
- Sasaki, Y. N.: Interannual variability of ring formations in the Gulf Stream region.
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016,
New Orleanes (USA), February 22, 2016. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, Y. Miura, and N. Schneider:
Decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension jet and its relation to coastal sea level along Japan.
CLIVAR/JAMSTEC Workshop on the Kuroshio Current and Extension System,
Yokohama (Japan), January 12, 2016. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, Y. Miura, and N. Schneider:
Decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension jet and its relation to coastal sea level along Japan.
The 2nd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate, Busan (Korea),
October 26, 2015. (Oral)
- 劉 昭君,見延 庄士郎,佐々木 克徳,寺田 美緒:
- Liu, Z., S. Minobe, Y. N. Sasaki, and M. Terada:
Dynamical downscaling of future sea-level change in the western North Pacific using ROMS.
AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, Singapore, August 4, 2015. (Oral)
- 佐々木 克徳:2015年度日本海洋学会岡田賞受賞講演
- Sasaki, Y. N., and S. Minobe:
Climatological mean features and interannual to decadal variability of ring formations in the Kuroshio Extension region.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 18, 2014. (Oral)
- Liu, Z., S. Minobe, and Y. N. Sasaki:
Dynamical downscaling of future sea-level change in the western North Pacific using ROMS.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 17, 2014. (Poster)
- Liu, Z., S. Minobe, and Y. N. Sasaki:
Impact of a coastal-shape on sea-level distribution and the change along the coast of Japan: A regional ocean model study.
AOGS 2014, Sapporo (Japan), August 1, 2014. (Poster)
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, and Y. Miura:
Decadal sea level variability along the coast of Japan in response to ocean circulation changes.
AOGS 2014, Sapporo (Japan), July 31, 2014. (Oral)
- Liu, Z., S. Minobe, and Y. N. Sasaki:
Towards studying sea-level change in the western North Pacific using ROMS: A preliminary hindcast experiment.2014年度日本海洋学会春季大会,東京,2014年3月28日.(口頭)
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎,三浦 優司:日本沿岸の海面高度変動に対するロスビー波の影響.
- 森 信行,見延 庄士郎,中村 啓彦,佐々木 克徳,仁科 文子,岩崎 慎介,磯辺 篤彦:
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, and Y. Miura:
Decadal sea level variability along the coast of Japan in response to ocean circulation changes.
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014, Honolulu (USA),
February 26, 2014. (Poster)
- Mori, N., S. Minobe, Y. N. Sasaki, H. Nakamura,
and A. Isobe:
Ship observation of atmospheric conditios across the Kuroshio in the
East China Sea in Baiu-Meiyu season.
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014, Honolulu (USA),
February 26, 2014. (Poster)
- Na, H., K. Kim, S. Minobe, and Y. N. Sasaki:
The upper-ocean heat content in the northwestern Pacific and
its relationship with the Kuroshio Extension variability.
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014, Honolulu (USA),
February 24, 2014. (Oral)
- Minobe, S., Y. N. Sasaki, Y. Miura,
and N. Schneider: Regional influence of basin-scale wind stress
variability via jet-trapped Rossby waves in the western North Pacific. Busan (Korea), September 12, 2013. (Invited)
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:日本沿岸の海面高度変動に対するロスビー波の影響.
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:衛星高度計データによる黒潮続流とメキシコ湾流からの渦の切離分布.
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, and N. Schneider:
Decadal response of the Kuroshio Extension jet to Rossby waves. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 5, 2012. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, and N. Schneider:
Decadal response of the Kuroshio Extension jet to Rossby waves.
AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012, Singapore, August 16, 2012. (Poster)
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, and M. Inatsu:
Influence of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea on the Early
Summer (Baiu) Rain. AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012, Singapore,
August 15, 2012. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, and N. Schneider:
Decadal response of the Kuroshio Extension jet to Rossby waves.
JpGU Meeting 2012, Chiba (Japan), 23 May, 2012. (Oral)
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎,N. Schneider:十年スケールにおけるロスビー波に対する黒潮続流ジェットの応答.2012年度日本海洋学会春季大会,筑波,2012年3月29日.(口頭)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and N. Schneider:
Interannual to decadal Gulf Stream variability in an eddy-resolving ocean model. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012, Salt Lake City (USA),
21 February, 2012. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and N. Schneider:
Interannual to decadal Gulf Stream variability in an eddy-resolving
ocean model. IUGG 2011, Melbourne (Australia), 30 June, 2011. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., and N. Schneider: Decadal shifts of the Kuroshio
Extension jet: Application of thin-jet theory.
IUGG 2011, Melbourne (Australia), 29 June, 2011. (Poster)
- 佐々木 克徳, N. Schneider, N. Maximenko, and K. Lebedev:
- Sasaki, Y. N., N. Schneider, N. Maximenko, and K. Lebedev:
Propagation of decadal spiciness anomalies in the North Pacific.
3rd OFES International Workshop. Yokohama (Japan), 4 November, 2010.
- Sasaki, Y. N., and N. Schneider:
Interannual to decadal Gulf Stream variability in an eddy-resolving ocean model.
17th Conference on air-sea interaction, Annapolis (USA), 30 September, 2010. (Oral)
- 佐々木 克徳, N. Schneider:OFESによる黒潮続流の十年スケール変動:thin-jet theoryの適用.
- Sasaki, Y. N., and N. Schneider:
Interannual to decadal Gulf Stream variability in an eddy-resolving ocean model.
Second OFES International Workshop and ESC-IPRC Joint Workshop on
Computationally-Intensive Modeling of the Climate System,
Honolulu (USA), 10 December, 2009. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., N. Schneider, N. Maximenko, and K. Lebedev:
Observational evidence for propagation of decadal spiciness anomalies in the North Pacific.
The Eighth Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability. St. Michaels (USA), October 12, 2009. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N., N. Schneider, and E. A. Ralph:
Decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension jet in a global
eddy-resolving ocean model hindcast.
U.S. CLIVAR Western Boundary Current Workshop, Phoenix (USA),
January 15, 2009. (Poster)
- Sasaki, Y. N.,
S. Minobe, T. Kagimoto, M. Nonaka and H. Sasaki:
Decadal sea level variability in the South Pacific in a global
ocean eddy-resolving model hindcast. AGU Fall Meeting,
San Francisco (USA), December 16, 2008. (Oral)
- Sasaki, Y. N.,
S. Minobe, T. Kagimoto, M. Nonaka and H. Sasaki:
Decadal sea level variability in the South Pacific in a global
eddy-resolving ocean model hindcast.
2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando (USA), March 6, 2008. (Poster)
- Sasaki, Y. N., S. Minobe, T. Kagimoto, M. Nonaka,
and H. Sasaki: Decadal sea level variability in the South Pacific
reproduced by a global ocean eddy-resolving model.
International symposium on The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity,
Sapporo (Japan), 3 October, 2007. (Poster)
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:衛星高度計データからの全球での中規模渦の速度ベクトル分布,
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:衛星高度計データからの黒潮親潮続流域での渦の速度ベクトルの算出.
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎,Niklas Schneider,鍵本 崇,野中 正見,佐々木 英治:OFESによる南太平洋の海表面高度の十年スケール変動.2006年度日本海洋学会秋季大会,愛知,2006年9月28日.(口頭)
- 佐々木 克徳,片桐 有理佳,見延 庄士郎:オホーツク海の海氷の経年変動に対する秋季の大気の影響.2006年度日本海洋学会春季大会,神奈川,2006年3月29日.(口頭)
- Sasaki, Y. N.,
S. Minobe, T. Kagimoto, M. Nonaka and H. Sasaki:
Decadal sea-level variability in the South Pacific. OFES Workshop,
Honolulu (USA), February 27, 2006. (Oral)
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:オホーツク海の海氷の経年変動に対する秋季の大気の影響.平成17年度「異常気象と長期変動」研究集会,京都,2005年10月28日.(口頭)
- Sasaki, Y. N.,
S. Minobe, T. Kagimoto, M. Nonaka and H. Sasaki:
A comparison of low-frequency sea level variability between a global ocean
eddy-resolving model and satellite measurements in the mid-latitude oceans.
Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns (Australia), 25 August, 2005. (Poster)
- Sasaki, Y. N. and S. Minobe:
Seasonally dependent interannual variability
of sea ice in the Bering Sea and its relation to atmospheric fluctuations. Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns (Australia), 22 August, 2005. (Oral)
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎,鍵本 崇,野中 正見,佐々木 英治:中緯度海洋におけるOFESと衛星観測の海表面高度変動の比較.2005年度海洋学会春季大会,東京,2005年3月28日.(口頭)
- 片桐 有理佳,佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:オホーツク海の海氷の経年変動と風の関係.2005年度海洋学会春季大会,東京,2005年3月28日.(口頭)
- 佐々木 克徳,見延 庄士郎:ベーリング海の海氷の季節ごとの経年変動とその大気との関係.2004年度海洋学会春季大会,茨城,2004年3月27日.(口頭)
- Sasaki, Y. N. and S. Minobe:
Seasonally dependent interannual variability of sea ice in the Bering Sea and its relation to atmospheric fluctuations.
4th International Workshop on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic 2003, Aichi (Japan), 6 November, 2003. (Poster)
- 佐々木 克徳:身近に流れる海流の話.