Global Seismology Hokkaido University




    1. Naoi, M., Hirano, S. and Chen, Y. (2025), High-resolution monitoring of hydraulically induced acoustic emission activities using neural phase picking and matched filter analysis, Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 12:24.
    2. Mukuhira. Y., Goto R., Watanabe, N., Sueyoshi, K., Takuma, K., Zhanga, R., Tian, T., Sokolovski, V., Naoi, M., Arai, Y., Tomai, T., Uno, M. and Ito T. (2025), Creating multidirectional fractures through particle jamming, Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci., 188, 106051.


    1. Naoi, M., Tamaribuchi, K., Shimojo, K., Katoh, S. and Ohyanagi, S. (2024), Neural phase picker trained on the Japan meteorological agency unified earthquake catalog, Earth Planet. Space, 76:150.
    2. Mohanty, D.D., Biswal, S. and Yoshizawa, K. (2024), Decoupled deformation between crust and mantle beneath Indo-Burmese Wedge: a new seismotectonic model, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 648, 119089.
    3. Ganbat, B., Yoshizawa, K., Sodnomsambuu, D. and Munkhuu, U. (2024), Upper mantle structure beneath the Mongolian region from multi-mode surface waves: Implications for the western margin of Amurian plate, Tectonophys, 230506.
    4. Fukushima S., Shinohara, M., Nishida, K., Takeo, A., Yamada, T. and Yomogida K. (2024), Retrieval and precise phase-velocity estimation of Rayleigh waves by the spatial autocorrelation method between distributed acoustic sensing and seismometer data, Geophys. J. Int., 237, 1174-1188.
    5. Mizutani A., Melgar D. and Yomogida K. (2024), Strong‐Motion Broadband Displacements From Collocated Ocean‐Bottom Pressure Gauges and Seismometers, Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL107776. 2023GL107776
    6. Naoi, M. and Hirano, S. (2024), Efficient similar waveform search using short binary codes obtained through a deep hashing technique, Geophys. J. Int., 237, 604-621.
    7. Kubo, H., Naoi, M. and Kano, M. (2024), Recent advances in earthquake seismology using machine learning, Earth Planet. Space, 76:36.
      [EPS Higlighted Papers in 2024]


    1. Mizutani, A., Melgar, D. (2023), Potential Volcanic Origin of the 2023 Short-period Tsunami in the Izu Islands, Japan. Seismica, 2(2). doi: 10.26443/seismica.v2i2.1160.
    2. Mizutani, A. and Yomogida, K. (2023), Source estimation of the tsunami later phases associated with the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption, Geophys. J. Int., 234, 1885-1902.
    3. Ai, S., Akuhara, T., Morishige, M., Yoshizawa, K., Shinohara, M. and Nakahigashi, K. (2023), Layered evolution of the oceanic lithosphere beneath the Japan Basin, the Sea of Japan, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB025581.
    4. Tarumi, K. and Yoshizawa, K. (2023), Eruption sequence of the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai explosion from back-projection of teleseismic P waves, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 602, 117966.


    1. Tang, Q., Sun, W., Yoshizawa, K. and Fu, L.-Y. (2022), Anomalous radial anisotropy and its implications for upper mantle dynamics beneath South China from multimode surface wave tomography, J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, in press. https://doi:10.1029/2021JB023485
    2. Mizutani, A. and Yomogida, K. (2022), Back-Projection Imaging of a Tsunami Excitation Area With Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauge Array Data, J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018480.
    3. Fukushima, S., Shinohara, M., Nishida, K., Takeo, A., Yamada, T. and Yomogida, K. (2022), Detailed S-wave velocity structure of sediment and crust off Sanriku, Japan by a new analysis method for distributed acoustic sensing data using a seafloor cable and seismic interferometry, Earth Planets Space, 74, 92.
    4. Tonegawa, T., Takemura, S., Yabe, S. and Yomogida, K. (2022). Fluid migration before and during slow earthquakes in the shallow Nankai subduction zone. J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB023583.
    5. Brown, M.G., Lin, G., Matsuzawa, H. and Yoshizawa, K. (2022), Recovery of Love wave overtone waveforms and dispersion curves from single-station seismograms using time-warping, Geophys. J. Int., 230(1), 70-83.


  1. Isse, T., Suetsugu, D., Ishikawa, A., Shiobara, H., Sugioka, H., Ito, A., Kawano, Y., Yoshizawa, K., Ishihara, Y., Tanaka, S., Obayashi, M., Tonegawa, T. and Yoshimitsu, J. (2021), Seismic evidence for a thermochemical mantle plume underplating the lithosphere of the Ontong Java Plateau. Commun. Earth. Environ. 2, 98. [link]
  2. Yoshida, M., and Yoshizawa, K. (2021), Continental Drift with Deep Cratonic Roots, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 49, 117-139. doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-091620-113028 [link]
  3. Shiina, T., Katsumata, K., Yomogida, K. and Kato, A. (2021), Attenuation contrast in mantle wedge across the volcanic front of northeastern Japan that controls propagations of high-frequency S-wave later phases, Earth Planets Space, doi:10.1186/s40623-021-01361-z [link]
  4. Ogiso, M. and Yomogida, K. (2021), Estimation of relative source locations from seismic amplitude: application to earthquakes and tremors at Meakandake volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan, Earth Planets Space, doi:10.1186/s40623-021-01366-8 [link]


  1. Taira, T. and Yoshizawa, K. (2020), Upper mantle discontinuities beneath Australia from transdimensional Bayesian inversions using multi-mode surface waves and receiver functions, Geophys. J. Int., 223(3), 2085-2100, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa442. [link]
  2. Yoshida, M., Saito, S and Yoshizawa, K. (2020), Dynamics of continental lithosphere extension and passive continental rifting from numerical experiments of visco-elasto-plastic thermo-chemical convection in 2-D Cartesian geometry, Tectonophys., 796:228659, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228659. [link]
  3. Mizutani, A., Yomogida, K. and Tanioka, Y. (2020), Early Tsunami Detection With Near‐Fault Ocean‐Bottom Pressure Gauge Records Based on the Comparison With Seismic Data, J. Geophys. Res.:Oceans, 125, e2020JC016275, doi:10.1029/2020JC016275. [link]
  4. Yoshida, M., Saito, S and Yoshizawa, K. (2020), Possible tectonic patterns along the eastern margin of Gondwanaland from numerical studies of mantle convection, Tectonophys., 787:228476, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228476. [link]


  1. Matsuzawa, H., and Yoshizawa, K. (2019), Array-based analysis of multi-mode surface waves: Application to phase speed measurements and modal waveform decomposition, Geophys. J. Int., ggz153. [link]
  2. Isse, T., Kawakatsu, H., Yoshizawa, K., Takeo, A., Shiobara, H., Sugioka, H., Ito, A., Suetsugu, D., and Reymond, D. (2019), Surface wave tomography for the Pacific Ocean incorporating seafloor seismic observations and plate thermal evolution, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 510, 116–130, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.033. [link]


  1. 吉澤 和範 (2018)
    大陸マントル, 地球科学の事典(7章7.8), 170-171, 朝倉書店.


  1. Kennett, B.L.N, Yoshizawa, K. and Furumura, T. (2017)
    Interactions of multi-scale heterogeneity in the lithosphere: Australia, Tectonophys., 717, 193-213, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.07.009.
  2. 都筑 基博, 小山 順二, Gusman, A.R., 蓬田 清 (2017)
    1906年Ecuador·Colombia巨大地震の地震および津波規模の再評価, 地震, 69, 87-98, doi:10.4294/zisin.69.87.
    [2017年度日本地震学会論文賞受賞; 地震学会HP]


  1. Nakashima, Y., Heki, K., Takeo, A., Cahyadi, M.N., Aditiya A. and Yoshizawa, K. (2016)
    Atmospheric resonance oscillations by the 2014 eruption of the Kelud volcano, Indonesia, observed with the ionospheric total electron contents and seismic signals, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 434, 112-116, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.11.029.


  1. Hamada, K. and Yoshizawa, K. (2015)
    Interstation phase speed and amplitude measurements of surface waves with nonlinear waveform fitting: Application to USArray, Geophys. J. Int., 202, 1463-1482, doi:10.1093/gji/ggv213. [link]
    [Winner: GJI's Student Author Award 2015; Announcement]
  2. Yoshizawa, K. and Kennett, B.L.N. (2015)
    The lithosphere-asthenosphere transition and radial anisotropy beneath the Australian continent, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 3839-3846, doi:10.1002/2015GL063845.[link]
  3. Ogiso, M. and Yomogida, K. (2015)
    Estimation of locations and migration of debris flows on Izu-Oshima Island, Japan, on 16 October 2013 by the distribution of high frequency seismic amplitudes, J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 298, 15–26. [link]
  4. Koyama, J., Tsuzuki, M., and Yomogida, K. (2015)
    Tsunamigenic earthquakes at along-dip double segmentation and along-strike single segmentation near Japan, J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 3, 1178-1193, doi:10.3390/jmse3041178. [link]


  1. Yoshizawa, K. (2014)
    Radially anisotropic 3-D shear wave structure of the Australian lithosphere and asthenosphere from multi-mode surface waves, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 235, 33-48.[link]
  2. Takeo, A., Forsyth, D.W., Weeraratne, D.S. and Nishida, K. (2014)
    Estimation of azimuthal anisotropy in the NW Pacific from seismic ambient noise in seafloor records, Geophys. J. Int., 199 (1): 11-22. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu240 [link]
  3. 吉澤和範 (2014)
    北米大陸の内部をのぞく − アース・スコープ計画の10年 (T. Feder, "Scoping out the North American continent, 10 years on", 翻訳),パリティ (2014年9月号),29 (9), 46-49.


  1. Kennett, B.L.N., Fichtner, A., Fishwick, S. and Yoshizawa, K. (2013)
    Australian Seismological Reference Model (AuSREM): Mantle Component, Geophys. J. Int., 192, 871–887. [link]
  2. 蓬田清 (2013)
    M10 地震の発生条件:2011 年東北沖地震の新しい知見から,北海道大学地球物理学研究報告, 76, 111-128.
  3. 小山順二,都筑基博,蓬田清吉澤和範 (2013)
    2011年東北沖巨大地震が明らかにした超巨大地震の多様性,北海道大学地球物理学研究報告, 76, 129-146.
  4. 本多了,岩森光,歌田久司,大久保修平,栗田敬,土屋卓久,中井俊一,平賀岳彦,宮武隆,吉澤和範 (2013)
    地球の物理学事典 (Stacey & Davis, Physics of the Earth 4th Edition,翻訳), pp 536, 朝倉書店.


  1. Bakirci, T., Yoshizawa, K. and Ozer, M.F. (2012)
    Three-dimensional S wave structure of the upper mantle beneath Turkey from surface wave tomography, Geophys. J. Int., 190, 1058–1076. [link]
  2. Koyama, J., Yoshizawa, K., Yomogida, K. and Tsuzuki, M. (2012)
    Variability of Megathrust Earthquakes in the World Revealed by the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 64, 1189-1198. [link]
  3. Fichtner, A., Fishwick, S., Yoshizawa, K. and Kennett, B.L.N. (2012)
    Optimal spherical spline filters for the analysis and comparison of regional-scale tomographic models, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 190-191, 44–50. [link]
  4. Ogiso, M., and Yomogida, K. (2012)
    Migration of tremor locations before the 2008 eruption of Meakandake Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.12.005, 217-218, 8–20. [link]
  5. 小山順二,都筑基博,蓬田清 (2012)
    斜め衝突帯の巨大地震 (1) 相模トラフ, 北海道大学地球物理学報告, 75, 161-174.
  6. 蓬田清 (2012)
    日本の地震学の二重構造における学術団体としての責任とは?, 日本地震学会モノグラフ,1, 68-72.


  1. Yomogida, K., Yoshizawa, K., Koyama, J. and Tsuzuki, M. (2011)
    Along-dip segmentation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and comparison with other megathrust earthquakes, Earth Planets Space, 63, 697-701. [link]
  2. Kanamori, H. and Yomogida, K. (2011)
    First results of the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake (Preface to a special issue), Earth Planets Space, 63, 511. [link]
  3. 阿形葉,蓬田清,勝俣啓 (2011)
    明瞭なフェーズがない地震の新しい震源決定法:十勝岳火山体の近く深部低周波地震への応用, 北海道大学地球物理学報告, 74, 67-88.
  4. 蓬田清 (2011)
    K. Aki & P.G. Richards「地震学」, 科学者の本棚,85-89 (pp263), 岩波書店.


  1. Yoshizawa, K. and Ekström, G. (2010)
    Automated multi-mode phase speed measurements for high-resolution regional-scale tomography: Application to North America, Geophys. J. Int.,
    183, 1538–1558. [link]
  2. Yoshizawa, K., Miyake, K. and Yomogida, K. (2010)
    3-D upper mantle structure beneath Japan and its surrounding region from inter-station dispersion measurements of surface waves, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 183, 4-19.
  3. Bourova, E., Yoshizawa, K. and Yomogida, K. (2010)
    Upper mantle structure of marginal seas and subduction zones in northeastern Eurasia from Rayleigh wave tomography, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 183, 20-32. [link]
  4. Osada, K., Yoshizawa, K. and Yomogida, K. (2010)
    Upper boundary of the Pacific plate subducting beneath Hokkaido, Japan, estimated from ScSp phase, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 183, 63-72. [link]
  5. Isse, T., Shiobara, H., Montagner, J.-P., Sugioka, H., Ito, A., Shito, A., Kanazawa, T. and Yoshizawa, K. (2010)
    Anisotropic structures in the upper mantle beneath the northern Philippine Sea region from Rayleigh and Love wave tomography, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 183, 33-43. [link]


  1. Isse, T., Shiobara, H., Tamura, Y., Suetsugu, D., Yoshizawa, K., Sugioka, H., Ito, A., Kawakatsu, H., Shito, A., Adam, C., Kanazawa, T., Fukao, Y., Gill, J.B., Ishizuka, O. (2009)
    Seismic structure of the upper mantle beneath the Philippine Sea from seafloor and land observation: Implications for mantle convection and magma genesis in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 278, 107-119. [link]
  2. Yamada, R., I. Yamada, H. Shiraishi, S. Tanaka, Y. Takagi, N. Kobayashi, N. Takeuchi, Y. Ishihara, H. Murakami, K. Yomogida, J. Koyama, A. Fujimura, H. Mizutani (2009)
    Capability of the penetrator seismometer system for lunar seismic event observation, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 751-763. [link]
  3. Kawahara, J., T. Ohno, and K. Yomogida (2009)
    Attenuation and dispersion of antiplane shear waves due to scattering by many two-dimensional cavities, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125, 3589–3596. [link]


  1. Fishwick, S., Heinz, M., Kennett, B.L.N., Reading, A.M., Yoshizawa, K. (2008)
    Steps in lithospheric thickness within Australia, evidence from surface wave tomography, Tectonics, TC4009, doi:10.1029/2007TC002116. [link]
  2. 吉澤 和範 (2008)
    北朝鮮核実験による地震波形記録, 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告, 71, 39-48.


  1. Taira, T., and K. Yomogida (2007)
    Imaging of crustal heterogeneous structures using a slowness-weighted migration with effects of scattering modes I: Theory, J. Geophys. Res., 112, 10.1029/2006JB004381. [link]
  2. Taira, T., K. Yomogida, Y. Kuwahara, K. Imanishi and H. Ito (2007)
    Imaging of crustal heterogeneous structures using a slowness-weighted migration with effects of scattering modes II: Application to the Nagamachi-Rifu fault, Japan, area, J. Geophys. Res., 112, 10.1029/2006JB004382. [link]
  3. 蓬田清(2007)
    演習形式で学ぶ特殊関数・積分変換入門, 294pp, 共立出版.


  1. Isse, T., Yoshizawa, K., Shiobara, H., Shinohara, M., Nakahigashi, K., Mochizuki, K., Sugioka, H., Suetsugu, D., Oki, S., Kanazawa, T., Suyehiro, K. and Fukao, Y. (2006)
    Three-dimensional shear wave structure beneath the Philippine Sea from land and ocean bottom broadband seismograms, J. Geophys. Res., 111, B06310, doi:10.1029/2005JB003750. [link]
  2. Isse, T., Suetsugu, D., Shiobara, H., Sugioka, H., Yoshizawa, K., Kanazawa, T. and Fukao, Y. (2006)
    Shear wave speed structure beneath the South Pacific superswell using broadband data from ocean floor and islands, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L16303, doi:10.1029/2006GL026872. [link]
  3. 吉澤 和範 (2006)
    年スマトラ島沖大地震で発生した地球周回表面波, 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告, 69, 15-21.
  4. Taira, T., and K. Yomogida (2006)
    2-D heterogeneous structure in eastern Hokkaido inferred from S-wave coda amplification factors, Geophys. Bull. Hokkaido Univ., 69, 113-122.
  5. 長田 絹絵, 吉澤 和範, 蓬田 清 (2006)
    ScSp波による北海道周辺での太平洋プレートの形状の推定, 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告, 69, 135-146.
  6. Litvina, E., Yoshizawa, K. and Yomogida, K. (2006)
    S-wave velocity structure beneath the north-western Pacific from surface wave tomography, Abstracts for 5-th Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kuril-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs, 101-104.


  1. Ogiso, M., Yomogida, K. and Katsumata, K. (2005)
    Recursive travel-time tomography: A tool for real-time seismic tomography, Earth Planets Space, 57, 477-489.
  2. Yoshizawa, K. and Kennett B.L.N. (2005)
    Sensitivity kernels for finite-frequency surface waves, Geophys. J. Int., 162, 910-926.
  3. Goes, S., Simons, F.J. and Yoshizawa, K.(2005)
    Seismic constraints on temperature of the Australian uppermost mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 236, 227-237. [link]
  4. 吉澤 和範 (2005)
    表面波インバージョンによる上部マントル内部の推定:幾何学的波線から有限幅波線への発展, 地震, 57, 393-408. [link]
  5. 吉澤 和範 (2005)
    年スマトラ沖地震で発生した地球を周回する表面波, なゐふる(日本地震学会広報誌), 49, 6.


  1. Yoshizawa, K. and Kennett, B.L.N. (2004)
    Multimode surface wave tomography for the Australian region using a three-stage approach incorporating finite frequency effects, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B02310, doi:10.1029/2002JB002254.
  2. Adlen, S., Brodsky, E.E., Oki, T., Ridley, A.J., Sanchez, L., Simionato, C., K. Yoshizawa, K. and Shamir, U. (2004)
    New report charts course for future of geosciences, EOS Trans. AGU, 85, 25,31. [link]
  3. Matsubara, W. and Yomogida, K. (2004)
    Source process of low-frequency earthquakes associated with the 2000 eruption of Mt. Usu, J. Volcanol. Geothermal Res., 134, 223-240.
  4. Matsubara, W., Yomogida, K. Koyama, J., Kasahara, M., Ichiyanagi, M., Kawakatsu, H. and Yamamoto, M. (2004)
    Distribution and characteristics in waveform and spectrum of seismic events associated with the 2000 eruption of Mt. Usu, J. Volcanol. Geothermal Res., 136, 141-158.
  5. Taira, T. and Yomogida, K. (2004)
    Imaging of three-dimensional small-scale heterogeneities in the Hidaka, Japan region: coda spectral analysis, Geophys. J. Int., 158, 998-1008.


  1. Honda, R. and Yomogida, K. (2003)
    Contribution of vertically traveling plane S-wave to dynamic and static displacements near a finite fault, Geophys. J. Int., 152, 443-454.
  2. Honda, R. and Yomogida, K. (2003)
    Static and dynamic displacement near a fault with the discrete wavenumber method, Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors, 137, 107-127.
  3. Honda, R. and Yomogida, K. (2003)
    Effects of a soft surface layer on near-fault static and dynamic displacements, Geophys. J. Int., 154, 441-462.
  4. Tsuruga, K., Yomogida, K., Ito, H. and Nishigami, K. (2003)
    Detection of localized small-scale heterogeneities in the Hanshin-Awaji region, Japan, by anomalous amplification of coda level , Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 93, 1516-1530. [link]
  5. Taira, T. and Yomogida, K. (2003)
    Characteristics of small-scale heterogeneities in the Hidaka, Japan, region estimated by coda evelope level, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 93, 1531-1541.
  6. Honda, R. and Yomogida, K. (2003)
    Effect of complex fault geometry and slip style on near-fault strong motions and static displacement, Earth Planets Space, 55, 515-530.
  7. 吉澤 和範 (2003) 有限波長効果を考慮した新しい表面波トモグラフィー法の探求, 月刊地球, 25, 524-529.


  1. Yoshizawa, K. and Kennett, B.L.N. (2002)
    Non-linear waveform inversion for surface waves with a neighbourhood algorithm - application to multimode dispersion measurements, Geophys. J. Int., 149, 118-133. [link]
  2. Yoshizawa, K. and Kennett, B.L.N. (2002)
    Determination of the influence zone for surface wave paths, Geophys. J. Int., 149, 440-453. [link]
  3. Kennett, B.L.N. and Yoshizawa, K., (2002)
    A reappraisal of regional surface wave tomography, Geophys. J. Int., 150, 37-44. [link]
  4. Yomogida, K. and Benites, R., (2002)
    Scattering of seismic waves by cracks with the boundary integral method, Pure Appl. Geophys., 159, 1771-1789.
  5. Yamamoto, M., Kawakatsu, H., Yomogida, K. and Koyama, J., (2002)
    Long-period (12 sec) volcanic tremor observed at Usu 2000 eruption: Seismological detection of a deep plumbing system, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 43-1 - 43-4. [link]
  6. Yomogida, K., Okuyama, R. and Nakanishi, I., (2002)
    Anomalous rayleigh-wave propagation along oceanic trench, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 46, 691-710.
  7. Yomogida, K., (2002)
    Seismic Scattering from Small-Scale Heterogeneities: Numerical Simulations and Observation, Seismotectonis in Convergent Plate Boundary, Eds. Y. Fujiwara and A. Yoshida, 469-480.
  8. 平 貴昭, 小山順二, 本多 亮, 前川徳光, 大島弘光, 高田真秀 (2002)
    えりも計画:絶対重力・精密重力・GPS連続観測, 北海道大学地球物理研究報告, 65, 311-323.
  9. 平貴昭, 蓬田清 (2002)
    コーダ振幅を用いた日高地方における3次元微細不均質分布のイメージング, 月刊地球., 24,503-507.
  10. 小山順二, 蓬田清, 森谷武男, 高田真秀, 一柳昌義, 古屋正人 (2002)
    年有珠火山噴火活動の時定数, 火山, 47, 587-594.
  11. 平貴昭, 森谷武男, 宮町宏樹, 和田直人, 平野舟一郎, 大塚健, 松原わかな, 丸山保洋 (2002)
    北海道北東部における爆破地震動の観測, 地震研究所彙報, 77, 225-230.



博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Tarumi, K. (2025)
    Seismological Structure and Source Studies with Teleseismic Body-wave Analysis

修士論文 Master Theses

  1. 手塚登万 (2025)

卒業論文 Undergraduate Theses

  1. 小林誠和 (2025)
  2. 河野夏太郎 (2025)
  3. 小谷将人 (2025)
  4. 住吉理登 (2025)


博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Ganbat, B. (2024)
    Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Mongolia with Surface Wave Tomography

修士論文 Master Theses

  1. 阿内宏樹 (2024)

卒業論文 Undergraduate Theses

  1. 比嘉大洋 (2024)


博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Xu, Y. (2023)
    Influence of laminated random heterogeneity on surface wave dispersion and radial anisotropy
  2. Mizutani, A. (2023)
    Estimation of Diverse Tsunami Excitations with Ocean Bottom Arrays

修士論文 Master Theses

  1. 井上 翔 (2023)

卒業論文 Undergraduate Theses

  1. 手塚登万 (2023)
  2. 菊池亮佑 (2023)


修士論文 Master Theses

  1. Tarumi, K. (2022)
    Upper mantle discontinuities from Bayesian inversion using receiver functions and surface waves
  2. 菱山悠太 (2022)
  3. 吉岡央晋 (2022)

卒業論文 Undergraduate Theses

  1. 阿内宏樹(2022)
  2. 佐々木渉(2022)


博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Matsuzawa, H. (2021)
    Seismic Imaging of the Upper Mantle with Multi-mode Surface Waves Using Broadband Seismic Arrays

修士論文 Master Theses

  1. Brault, Z. (2021)
    Surface-wave tomography in Greenland using inter-station dispersion measurement
  2. Fukushima, S. (2021)
    Transversely isotropic velocity structure of marine sedimentary layers estimated by Rayleigh wave ellipticity of ambient noise
  3. 益田英勝 (2021)

卒業論文 Undergraduate Theses

  1. 野城佑基(2021)
  2. 吉田泰輔(2021)


修士論文 Master theses

  1. Taira, Toru (2020)
    Probabilistic models of the Earth's interior from trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion: Application to the Australian region
  2. Nishimura, Y.(2020)
    Mapping azimuthal anisotropy in the Australasian upper mantle with multi-mode surface waves
  3. Mizutani, A.(2020)
    Near-fault ocean-bottom tsunami observation of an offshore earthquake by DONET: Early estimation of height and array-based measurements of phase speed

卒業論文 Undergraduate theses

  1. 菱山悠太(2020)
  2. 吉岡央晋(2020)
    日本列島周辺の3 次元速度モデルを用いたモーメントテンソル解の検証
  3. 伊東俊哉(2020)
  4. 佐藤雄亮(2020)


修士論文 Master thesis

  1. Okuyama, S.(2019)
    Radial Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle Using Multi-mode Surface Waves Incorporating the ηκ Parameter: Application to the Pacific and Australian Regions

卒業論文 Undergraduate theses

  1. 福島駿(2019)
  2. 益田英勝(2019)


修士論文 Master theses

  1. Ikedo, K.(2018)
    Measurements of Rayleigh-wave Particle Motion: Implications for the Crust and Upper mantle Structure beneath the Japanese Islands
  2. Matsuzawa, H.(2018)
    Array-based Analysis of Multi-mode Surface Waves: Application to Phase Speed Measurements and Modal Waveform Decompositionc

卒業論文 Undergraduate theses

  1. Taira, Toru(2018)
    Trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion for curst and upper mantle structure using body and surface waves
  2. 内田雅喜(2018)
    日本周辺の近地地震モーメントテンソル解 の比較:合成波形による検証
  3. 佐藤悠佳(2018)
    地表と核・マントル境界間のS波多重反射波解析を用い たマントル平均構造の推定〜日本列島直下の複雑さ〜
  4. 西村祐香(2018)
    オーストラリア周辺域の 上部マントル方位異方性
  5. 水谷歩(2018)
    津波観測における海底水圧変化の数値計算:断層近傍 での加速度による影響


博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Hamada, K.(2017)
    High Resolution Mapping of the Upper Mantle Using Interstation Phase and Amplitude Data of Surface Waves

修士論文 Master theses

  1. 成田涼 (2017)
  2. Kuria Ginboi (2017)
    Inter-event phase speed analysis for regional surface wave tomography: Application to the southwestern Pacific

卒業論文 Undergraduate thesis

  1. 奥山秀弥 (2017)


卒業論文 Undergraduate theses

  1. 池戸健悟 (2016)
  2. 松澤仁志 (2016)
  3. 武藤未央梨 (2016)


修士論文 Master thesis

  1. Sato, A. (2015)
    Quick estimation of apparent velocity and direction for seismic wavefield extrapolation: A new earthquake early warning system


修士論文 Master thesis

  1. Hamada, K.(2014)
    Surface-wave phase and amplitude measurements using a new method of inter-station waveform fitting: Application to USArray


卒業論文 Undergraduate theses

  1. 小谷内祐弥 (2013)
  2. 佐藤明日花(2013)


博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Syafriani(2012)
    3-D shear-wave structure of the upper mantle in the Indonesian region from multi-mode surface waves

卒業論文 Undergraduate theses

  1. 浜田広太(2012)
  2. 林真奈子(2012)


修士論文 Master theses

  1. Agata, Y.(2010)
    A new method of hypocenter determination without any clear phases: Application to deep crustal low-frequency earthquakes in the Tokachi-Dake, Hokkaido, volcanic region
  2. Masui, K.(2010)
    Scaling laws of inner fault parameters: Characterization of heterogeneous slips on earthquake faults


修士論文 Master theses

  1. Miyake, K.(2009)
    Three-dimensional shear wave velocity structure beneath the Japanese islands and the Sea of Japan using a surface wave two-station method
  2. Sato, I.(2009)
    Behavior of seismic waves in the vicinity of a caustic

卒業論文 Undergraduate thesis

  1. 高木圭(2009)


卒業論文 Undergraduate theses

  1. 阿形葉(2008)
    Source-scanning algorithmによる震源決定
  2. 升井健吾(2008)
  3. 廣田加寿紀(2008)


卒業論文 Undergraduate thesis

  1. 三宅一彰(2007)


修士論文 Master thesis

  1. Takezoe, H.(2006)
    Rayleigh-wave phase velocity distribution in the Japanese islands by the multi-station method


修士論文 Master thesis

  1. Osada, K.(2005)
    Geometry of the upper boundary of the Pacific plate beneath the Hokkaido region estimated from ScSp phase


博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Taira, Taka'aki(2004)
    Quantitative imaging of small-scale heterogeneities around active fault system as seismic wave scatterers

修士論文 Master thesis

  1. Ogiso, M.(2004)
    Recursive tomography: Method and application to the Hidaka region

卒業論文 Undergraduate thesis

  1. 竹添はるか(2004)


博士論文 PhD thesis

  1. Honda, R.(2002)
    Simultaneous Synthesis of Static and Dynamic Ground Motions Near a Fault System

修士論文 Master thesis

  1. Matsubara, W.(2002)
    Seismicity and focal mechanism of low-frequency earthquakes associated with the 2000 eruption of Mt.Usu

卒業論文 Undergraduate thesis

  1. 小木曽仁(2002)


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